Email Statistics Analysis

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About DataMea

DataMea is a Java-built application that outputs general statistics of your Gmail email account in a user-friendly dashboard. A Gmail account is necessary for this application to work. In DataMea you will see After logging in to your Gmail email account through DataMea, the dashboard will display nine different types of graphs that will portray your top email recipients and senders, most frequent email attachment type, to general email attitude sentiment. Best of all, this application is completely free!

DataMea is useful for learning about your email habits; with this app you can find out how organized you are, learn at what times of the day you send and receive most emails, and even learn if people send you emails that are positive or negative in nature. Watch the tutorial video to learn how to navigate through the app and be on your way to analyzing your email!

Your Privacy is Important to Us

Here at DataMea we take your privacy seriously. We do not store any of your personal information or any content that is within your emails. All of the files that are used in the program are stored locally on your machine and are encrypted.

Privacy Policy

DataMea is committed to respecting your privacy and respect the measures in which to take to protect your personally identifiable information "personal information" that you share with it. All data capture through your Gmail email account is locally stored on the computer in which DataMea is installed on within an encrypted folder.

Opt-in/Opt-out DataMea also features a default opt-in component; any time DataMea has the ability to save your login information to make it easier for future logins, the respected checkbox is "unchecked". You, the user have the option to opt-in to that feature -- DataMeas does not do it for you. You also have the ability in the future -- at any time during the login screen -- to have the application to forget the login information.

Data Storing/Collecting
In regards to your personal emails, no "data mining" occurs for exploitation or DataMea to sell in the future. The engine's sentiment analysis will read through emails to give a proper sentiment score on whether how negative or positive your inbox is currently. No email text/body (encrypted or plain text) is stored anywhere at any point. This has been implemented to safeguard your privacy.

The read and write files which help DataMea run your statistics on your email are encrypted. These files hold numbers for incrementing and decrementing for certain graphs. Sent and received user email account names are also disguised by the encryption. There need to be stored so that the analysis does not need to run fully each time you start up DataMea. No text/body/letter portion of emails are saved in such files or anywhere besides in your Gmail email account which DataMea cannot access unless you sign in. Once you close out of the application, the connection between DataMea and your Gmail email account will be severed until you next sign in.

DataMea also provides a reset function. For any reason you wish to reset DataMea so that has no record of your emails and respective statistics, you may go into SETTINGS and click RESET to erase all stored information on and about your Gmail email account. Note, this will not affect anything in your actual Gmail email account -- just DataMea's stored information.

When you the user check the box stating "Notify Me When Ready", you give the right for DataMea to send you an email via its own Gmail account reading that the general analysis is done. Afterward, DataMea will no longer email you until another analysis is performed with said checkbox checked. Your email will not be shared with anyone except for the DataMea software and DataMea Email account. The email address in which you would be receiving notifications from is

DataMea and all parties involved in its development do not take ownership of any of the your emails. The application is the property of the SUNY Oswego Computer Science Department and its developers stated in section 2.2.

The Development Team

DataMea was developed at the State University of New York at Oswego within the computer science department. The creators of this program include: Bastian Tenbergen, Raynier Breton, Michael Carroll, Tyler Dominick, Cedric Hansen, Gaoping Lin, Douglas Myrdek, Ethan Osborne, Sylvia Pericles, Dylan Rizzo, and Andrew Vadnais.