Email Statistics Analysis

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DataMea FAQ

Have questions? Need assistance troubleshooting? This page is designed to help answer some of the more common questions our users may have when using DataMea. Provided above is a link to our GitHub page if you want to know more about the code within.

Time varies by the size of the inbox. DataMea does come with a progress bar as well as the option to receive an email upon completion of the analysis. Just remember, DO NOT close the app while analyzing. That will delete all the progress and you will have to start again.
When your cursor hovers over the graphs that are filterable, they will change from the pointer icon to a finger icon. Watch the tutorial video to see this change happen.
The button you are referring to is where the filters are shown when they are clicked on in the app itself. Watch the tutorial on the homepage of the site for a comprehensive description of how to use filters.
Sentiment is a rating of the attitude of the emails within your account. The app analyzes each email that is in English and will determine if it has a positive, neutral, or negative tone. You can learn what tone people send you emails in.
You do not. DataMea does not keep any personal information about anyone who uses the product. Everything is encrypted when you enter it for the analysis and cannot be decrypted by anyone. Refer to our privacy section on the home page to read more detail about the privacy policy.
If you go to the settings menu, you have the option to erase all of the data pertaining to your email account. Be careful with this, if you do not want to complete this action and do so, you will have to reanalyze the entire account again.
If you have two factor authentication you will need to either disable the feature or sign into your email account using an App Password. In order to use an App Password you must visit:
You can look at the different folders of you inbox. To do this click the menu button on the top left of the screen. The menu will appear on the left side of the program, listing all of the folders that make up your email account. By selecting any of these folders you can change the data that is displayed on the dashboard to reflect the composition of the selected folder.
In order to apply the selected filters you must click the “Apply Filters” button. You can remove the filters by clicking on the “x” icon to the right of each filter label.